
Should I try to use the IE implementation of CSS Grid Layout?

If you are using Grid in a very simple way, and positioning items rather than using auto-placement then the fact that grid exists in Internet Explorer from version 10 could turn out very useful. You could certainly use this in order to create a simpler layout for IE10 and up, once Grid is shipped in other browsers.

However be aware that this is going to require some additional testing and work, you are unlikely to be able to simply rely on Autoprefixer to run and do the work for you. For example, if you have used auto placement for any item and then don’t set a position using the -ms properties, that item is going to stack up with any other unpositioned items in the first grid cell.

The good news is that the IE implementation is pretty much frozen in time between IE10, 11 and current versions of Edge (presumably until Edge updates to the new specification). So work you do to implement grid in IE should work in those versions without needing to do different things for different IEs.

Excluding Microsoft Edge's old CSS Grid implementation with feature queries

The challenge is Microsoft Edge, the only modern browser that, as of this writing, still uses the old grid specification. It returns true for @supports (display: grid) {}, even though its grid support is spotty and non-standard. Most relevant for our example is the lack of support for the grid-template-areas and grid-area properties and for the minmax() function. As a result, a feature query targeting display: grid would not exclude Microsoft Edge, and users of this browser would be served a broken layout. To resolve this issue and serve up grid layouts to Microsoft Edge only when the browser gets full support for the specification, target one of the unsupported features instead:

Code language: CSS

@supports (grid-area: auto) {}

An event for CSS position: sticky

Here’s a secret: You may not need scroll events in your next app. Using an IntersectionObserver, I show how you can fire a custom event when position:sticky elements become fixed or when they stop sticking. All without the use of scroll listeners.


One of the practical limitations of using CSS sticky position is that it doesn’t provide a platform signal to know when the property is active. In other words, there’s no event to know when an element becomes sticky or when it stops being sticky.

Inclusive Tooltips & Toggletips

Most of the time, tooltips shouldn’t be needed if you provide clear textual labeling and familiar iconography. Most of the time toggletips are a complex way of providing information that could just be part of the document’s prose content. But I see each of these components all the time in auditing websites, so I wanted to provide some guidance on how to make the most of them.


  • If you have space, don’t use tooltips or toggletips. Just provide clear labels and sufficient body text.
  • If it’s a tooltip you are looking to use, decide whether the tip’s content should be provided as the label or description and choose ARIA properties accordingly.
  • Don’t rely on title attributes. They are not keyboard accessible and are not supported in many screen reader setups.
  • Don’t describe toggletips with aria-describedby. It makes the subject button non-functional to screen reader users.
  • Don’t put interactive content such as close and confirm buttons or links in tooltips or toggletips. This is the job of more complex menu and dialog components.

Developer-facing implementation errors

This is a great way to guide other developers who may use your code or components to use the correct elements for accessibility and other reasons:

In our script, we can detect the element nodeName and return an error message if it is not BUTTON. We use return to stop the remainder of the IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) from executing.

Code language: JavaScript

if (toggletip.nodeName !== 'BUTTON') {  
  console.error('Toggletip buttons need to be <button> elements.')

CSS tests and error messages

In Inclusive Design Patterns I write about creating deliberate visual regressions to highlight code errors, and providing error messages in the developer tools CSS inspector.

The error we caught with JavaScript earlier can be caught using the CSS selector [data-tooltip]:not(button). We can highlight the erroneous element with a red outline, and provide an error message using the made-up ERROR property:

Code language: CSS

[data-tooltip]:not(button) {
  outline: red solid 0.5em;
  ERROR: Toggletip buttons need to be <button> elements.

Despite being an invalid property, the ERROR will appear in dev tools when the element is inspected.

Windows High Contrast Mode

Windows users are offered a number of high contrast themes at the operating system level — some light-on-dark like our inverted theme. In addition to supplying our theme switcher feature, it’s important to make sure WHCM is supported as well as possible. Here are some tips:

  • Do not use background images as content. Not only will this invert the images in our inverted dark theme, but they’ll be eliminated entirely in most Windows high contrast themes. Provide salient, non-decorative images in <img/> tags with descriptive alt text values
  • For inline SVG icons, use the currentColor value for fill and stroke. This way, the icon color will change along with the surrounding text color when the high contrast theme is activated.
  • If you need to detect WHCM to make special amendments, you can use the following media query:

Code language: CSS

@media (-ms-high-contrast: active) { 
  /* WHCM-specific code here */

Light/Dark Theme Switcher using CSS Invert Filter

Here’s a really straightforward dark theme switcher for light designs. It uses the CSS invert() filter and minimal JavaScript to switch it on and off.

Screenshots of The Boston Globe and The Independent with the CSS invert filter applied.
The Boston Globe and The Independent with the CSS invert filter applied.

Code language: CSS

:root { 
  background-color: #fefefe;
  filter: invert(100%);
* { 
  background-color: inherit;
img:not([src*=".svg"]), video {  
  filter: invert(100%);