
The Media Object

What is the internet made of? At least the UI layer is mainly composed of media blocks. I talked about the Facebook stream story before, and all the tiny objects of which it is composed. For the most part, the stream story is made up of the media object repeated over and over.

The media object is an image to the left, with descriptive content to the right, like this Facebook story:

The media object: an image to the left, descriptive content to the right.
The media object

The content area on the right can contain any other objects. In this case, it contains text, but we could put lists, grids, or even other media objects inside. As we’ve seen before, there are actually many different versions of the media block on the Facebook website (and on most websites). These five are just a few examples of the way this object might be used:

Several media objects: an initial one as in the previous image, with two more: the first is a profile image on the left, and a comment field on the right, while the second is another profile picture on the left, with comment content on the right.
Variations on the media object

Align SVG Icons to Text and Say Goodbye to Font Icons

In building my own SVG-based icon system, I’ve run into (and mostly solved) these same issues.

Why should I care about how SVGs are styled?

If you’ve ever used font icon systems like Font Awesome you know how easy it is to add to a project and get going. The icons align to your text easily and can be modified by changing the font-size of the element. There is no clearly defined way for styling an SVG icon system. I’ve seen some systems custom style and place each icon in their library. This route sounds painfully unsustainable if you utilize more than 15 icons in your UI.

Can it scale like an icon font?

To emulate the font-size scaling I use a class to set the SVG size to 1em by 1em. This means that if your title text is a 48px font size the SVG will be 48px by 48px. This works nicely for components like buttons and inputs when you want to add an icon. This also empowers you to pass a font size to the element via modifier class or inlined CSS. Using font-size to determine the size of your icon makes your life a little easier.

Code language: CSS

.svg-icon svg {
  height: 1em;
  width: 1em;

My SVG won’t align to with my text. How do I fix this?

The downside is that a DOM element on it’s own doesn’t align nicely with text. To counter this I wrote the .svg-icon handler class to hold the size and be relative positioned so that I can absolute position the SVG inside of it. Moving the icon down by “-0.125em” allows me to pull down the icon by 12.5% at any scale.

The first example shows that DOM elements align to the baseline of text by default. However, since our icon is already properly scaled to consider the baseline, we need to pull it down for the baseline to truly align. At this size the distance is 6px away, 6px/48px = ⅛ or 12.5%. In the second example, pulling the icon down by -0.125em places the icon onto the proper baseline of the text.

Code language: CSS

.svg-icon {
  display: inline-flex;
  align-self: center;
  position: relative;
  height: 1em;
  width: 1em;
.svg-icon svg {
.svg-icon.svg-baseline svg {
  bottom: -0.125em;
  position: absolute;