Keyboard navigation

The anatomy of visually-hidden

Visually-hidden styles are used to hide content from most users, while keeping it accessible to assistive technology users.

It works because the content is technically visible and displayed — it appears in the accessibility tree and the render tree, both of which are used by assistive technologies — it’s just that the rendered size is zero.

Our industry has largely settled on a standard CSS pattern for this, refined over years of testing and iteration, by many people. This pattern:

Code language: CSS

.visually-hidden {
    clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
    clip-path: inset(50%);
    height: 1px;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    white-space: nowrap;
    width: 1px;


This article is not about when or why you would use visually-hidden content. There’s a number of excellent articles that discuss these questions in detail, notably Scott O’Hara’s Inclusively Hidden. But most of them don’t go into much detail about the specific CSS involved — why do we use this particular pattern, with these specific properties? So today I’m going to dissect it, looking at each of the properties in turn, why it’s there, and why it isn’t something else.

Focus rings on Discord

This is a fascinating deep dive by the people at Discord on their development of a focus ring component and all the problems they had to overcome:

Browsers implement default focus rings that apply to all elements, but the ability to style these is (currently) very limited. These rings, while they have recently improved greatly in Chrome and Edge, are also not very pleasant when integrated with the rest of Discord’s design, and other browsers like Firefox are almost entirely invisible in most cases due to the thinness and low contrast of their styles.

As such, we want to implement a custom focus ring style. At a glance, this seems relatively simple, but when dealing with the variety of use cases Discord has for these rings, the list of requirements quickly grows, and the options for implementations shrink.

Ideally, we want to match the browser’s focus ring behavior exactly. Within Discord, this means that a comprehensive focus ring implementation needs to:

  • Perfectly map to the element that has focus (with exceptions listed below).
  • Follow elements as they move when containers scroll.
  • Follow elements as they animate and transition within the document.
  • Not be clipped off when the focused element is bounded by overflow: hidden or other bounding techniques.
  • Respect occlusion of overlapping elements, but not be occluded by an element’s own z-index.

Additionally, to be able to implement pleasant and overall better focus styles for various elements in the app, we have additional requirements to be able to:

  • Apply the focus ring on a different element than the actual focused element
  • Provide positional offsets to adjust ring placement around the element.
  • Adjust ring styles to match the look and feel of the surrounding context (could include changing border radius, color, shape, and more)
  • Specify a style for when focus is within an element, for example to indicate the bounds of a widget.

See the source link for the rest.

Not Your Father's Navigation Strategy: There's More Than Just the TAB Key

As a blind screen reader user, and in my career educating designers, developers, and testers on accessibility issues, I have had the opportunity to observe the techniques used by various users to understand the layout and operation of web pages and applications. I have also seen well-intentioned sighted testers believe that components or entire sites are not accessible because they were unfamiliar with the techniques of navigating the web without sight.

In this article, I will walk you through the ways a blind screen reader user can navigate a web page, gather information about its layout and organization, and use that knowledge to efficiently and rapidly navigate a site or application. I hope to convey the importance of using techniques other than the TAB key as a primary means of navigating a website and illustrate the power you provide to a screen reader user by following semantic HTML markup and the principles of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Roving tabindex for keyboard navigation around JavaScript widgets

Setting the tabindex of the focused element to “0” ensures that if the user tabs away from the widget and then returns, the selected item within the group retains focus. Note that updating the tabindex to “0” requires also updating the previously selected item to tabindex="-1". This technique involves programmatically moving focus in response to key events and updating the tabindex to reflect the currently focused item. To do this:

Bind a key down handler to each element in the group, and when an arrow key is used to move to another element:

  1. programmatically apply focus to the new element,
  2. update the tabindex of the focused element to “0”, and
  3. update the tabindex of the previously focused element to “-1”.

Here’s an example of a WAI-ARIA tree view using this technique.

For a more visual explanation, see the following video by Rob Dodson: