
BEM class selectors and the Sass ampersand

The Sass ampersand is incredibly useful in building selectors based on the parent selector, but it has a limitation. Take the following nested BEM-style selectors:

Code language: Sass

.component {
  // A BEM modifier.
  &--reversed {
    background: white;
    border-color: lightgray;
    // Target a descendent only when the parent has the modifier? Not exactly...
    &__child-element {
      background: rebeccapurple;

The linked post explains the problem:

Wait, why is this not working? The problem is that the & has a scope of .component--reversed, so &__child-element compiles to .component--reversed__child-element, which doesn’t [exist] in the markup.

The fix is to save the & to a variable in the parent and use that in the child selector:

Code language: Sass

.component {
  // Save the current value of & as $self.
  $self: &;
  &--reversed {
    background: white;
    border-color: lightgray;
    // Print $self in place of & to get the correct scope of the parent above.
    #{$self}__child-element {
      background: rebeccapurple;

The compiled CSS for that element is now .component--reversed .component__child-element[.]

Allow Ctrl- and Shift-clicking links in event handlers

I just recently updated a bunch of my click handlers to not act when the Ctrl or Shift keys are pressed during the click, so that links can be opened in new tabs or windows by the user if so wanted:

Code language: JavaScript

// Don't do anything and defer to the default action if a modifier key
// was pressed during the click (to open the link in a new tab, window,
// etc.) - note that this is a truthy check rather than a strict check
// for the existence of and boolean true value of the various event
// properties:
// *
// *
// *
if (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) {

The Accessibility of Styled Form Controls & Friends

A repository of styled and “styled” form control patterns, and how they are announced by screen readers.


Form controls are necessary in many interfaces, but are often considered annoying, if not downright difficult, to style. Many of the markup patterns presented here can serve as a baseline for building more attractive form controls without having to exclude users who may rely on assistive technology to get things done.